New England Weather - Ogunquit, Maine

Perkins Cove, Ogunquit, Maine

When the NxNW crew headed to Acadia for our October outing, we stopped along the way to visit some favorite spots along the coast. The weather was quite dreary with intermittent rain. Despite that, we stopped in Ogunquit, Maine, to check out Perkins Cove. The cove is a small little harbor that is quite quaint and is a popular destination on most days (not so much when we were there). Not only is it where boats head out to the Atlantic Ocean, it also is at the beginning (or end depending on where you start) of the Marginal Way, a coastal trail.

After editing this in color, I wasn't feeling the mood that I felt when I shot this. I came to the conclusion to convert it to black and white and the mood came shining through.