Painted Horse - Granby, Connecticut

I have posted a number of images that were taken for my involvement with the Photofrontier’s WE35 Project. The project involves 35 photographers (“scientists”) who conduct research shooting at the 35mm field of view. Being limited in the project to one lens and focal length will help me in the future. One result that was unexpected was finding subjects around Connecticut that were previously unknown to me.

Like a lot of photographers, we sometimes think that the only subjects to shoot are far from home. In my case, the mountains of the western United States call out to me, and, since there are no real mountains close by, I don’t shoot as often as I should locally. February’s project forced me to explore my local area and find things to shoot in my everyday life. Knowing that I had a deadline forced me to explore places with my camera that I hadn’t before. For example, I probably passed this painted horse many times, but never noticed it before. As soon as I saw it, I had to grab its photo. That taught me a great lesson to explore more with photography in mind, even if there are no large mountains or landscapes near by.