Sea Stacks - Gold Beach, Oregon

There are so many beautiful spots along the Oregon Coast that it is hard to choose which one is my favorite. Of course, the Oregon Coast is 363 miles long, so it is quite impossible to pick a favorite, as it would probably take a lifetime to explore every inch of it. Given that is the case, I will qualify that Gold Beach is my personal favorite of all of the spots along the coast that I have visited. This area in southern Oregon is a must visit spot for photographers for sunset shots. Of course, sunrise is also a great time to shoot, although there is not as much golden light as sunset. Why is that the case? The answer is that this stretch of the coast has some serious mountains that block the exceptional light you would expect at sunrise. The beach is covered in deep shadow for quite a while, and by the time the sun rises above the mountain peaks, the light has lost that sunrise glow. That is not to say that it is not worth shooting when the light finally hits the beach, as this photo illustrates.