Vestrahorn Beauty - Hofn, Iceland

It has been awhile since I have posted a photo on social media. After ten years plus of posting images and write-ups, I decided to take a long rest. Truth be told, I missed being out with nature and experiencing the tranquility and beauty of what Mother Nature had to offer. I missed my photography friends and the constant banter and laughs that we shared. In essence, I felt uninspired. That ended a few weeks ago when I took my first trip since COVID began to Iceland.

Our small group traveled the southern part of the Ring Road and saw some amazing scenes. This is the first photo that I have posted from the trip. The location is near Hofn and it spoke to me. This unique shaped mountain has earned the nickname “Batman Mountain”. It stands at 1,500 feet above a flat lagoon, a black sand beach and small black dunes. A great scene to rejuvenate my soul.