In a little over three weeks, I will back in one of my favorite little towns in Maine, Bar Harbor (if you want to speak like a native born Maine resident, it is pronounced "Bah Habah). Of course, one of the reasons it is one of my favorites is that it is adjacent to the only National Park in the Northeast, Acadia National Park. I will be there co-hosting Jeff Clow's post Maine Lighthouse and Lobster Tour and taking the participants around the rugged and rocky coastline that makes up the park. Come here in the summer months and you will have a hard time finding a place to park. The town is overrun with tourists, and there seems to be no time when you can sit somewhere in town and enjoy it alone. That is one of the reasons I like visiting in the off-season. I took this photo in the early morning last April. As you can see, it looks like I own the town. Can't wait to be able to do so again in a few short weeks.