Bass Harbor Guardian - Acadia National Park, Maine

One of the most iconic shots of Acadia National Park is this one of Bass Harbor Light. To get this shot, it takes a bit of planning and a bit of luck. The Light is located in the southwest portion of Mount Desert Island in the park, which is a drive away from Bar Harbor and the other attractions in Acadia. Given its popularity, photographers are drawn to the location at sunset, when the soft light glows on the lighthouse. The challenge is to get there early enough to secure a spot because of the very limited space available. There is not a lot of room for people to get a clear shot and it requires sure-footedness, as the best angles require climbing over slick rocks. It is not unusual for photographers to get there two hours before sunrise to secure a good spot. Sometimes two hours is not early enough. Be prepared to defend your spot once you get it from the late stragglers who come down the steps and want to try to fit into space that literally doesn't exist. Planning to get there early is well worth the resulting images.