Bears Eye View - Shelburne, Vermont

I have been off and on my Blog and Social Media for the past couple of months. Lots of distractions lately - none of them major in any way. I thought I’d post something that hopefully will bring a smile to your face. Back in June of 2016, I had an encounter with a grizzly bear that I was lucky to walk away from. I posted a tongue-in-cheek post about it on Facebook and it is one of my most commented posts there. If you want to read the story, here is the Link to it. Since that time, my photographer friends always seem to want me to tell the story. Some in my family have given me presents, cards etc. that have bears on them. Others have called me the grizzly whisperer. Seems like I will forever be remembered for that minute or so experience.

A few years ago, I spent five days in Vermont with my sister. We ended up spending a day at the Shelburne Museum, an eclectic but must-visit place. One of the exhibits was in this rustic cabin and it brought a big smile to my face. These bears are my peeps, so I took a photo of their view, which is the title of this post. It is a take off of my Photography Website, coincidently named Lens Eye View.