Brooklyn Diner

Manhattan,   New York

Staying overnight in New York City is quite the experience, especially when your hotel is only a couple of blocks from Times Square. If you haven't been there at night, you have to try hanging out there at least once. It is one of those things that you need to check off of your bucket list.

There are a lot of photographers who like to capture the zaniness of Times Square at night, and I do when I am there. I would rather shoot the same area without people bumping into you, blocking your shot or wanting to know why you are taking their picture even if you are trying to compose a building facade. That is why I like to get up early around dawn to take my serious photos.  For those who believe that New York is the city that never sleeps, I think that most of the people are asleep at dawn. At least that was so on the morning I took this photo of the Brooklyn Diner that is only a block from Times Square. There was no one to be seen when I composed this photo and the quiet was deafening.