Ford Deluxe - Sturbridge, Massachusetts

Old Sturbridge Village, Sturbridge, Massachusetts

I think every sports fan has heard the quote, "I went to a fight the other night and a hockey game broke out". I sort of felt that way earlier this year when we visited Old Sturbridge Village and a car show broke out. Old Sturbridge Village is a large living museum in Massachusetts that depicts life in the 1790s to 1830s. We went there with family members visiting from New Jersey, and, when we got there, we realized that there was a large antique car show on the premises. For those of you who have shot at these shows, it can be hard to isolate the cars from the spectators, especially while trying to minimize people's reflections in the car's body. The best way is to get access before the show is open. I was able to get a good shot of this Ford Deluxe, as it was at the end of the row and was a bit in the shade.