Halloween. Chances for children to dress up as their favorite ghoul or superhero and collect lots of candy from their neighbors. Although it has been countless years since I walked around my hometown looking for treasures, I still fondly remember the fun I had way back then. I am pretty sure that Halloween these days is much different than I remember. Just think if we had smart phones back then. The homes that were handing out the best candy would be inundated with kids ringing their doorbells. Those handing out the worst candy might have been tricked. It is hard for me to relate, as for the past 15 years, we have had less than ten “trick or treaters” visit our house due to its location. I sort of miss the interaction with the young kids dressed up, although I wouldn’t miss the barking of our ferocious watchdog, Jack the Miniature Schnauzer.
I have never posted a Halloween photo before, but as I was looking through my Lightroom catalogue, I found this old photo that I shot in Manhattan about ten years ago and decided to post the first one. To all of the kids out there, have fun and be safe.