Perkins Cove - Ogunquit, Maine

Jeff Clow's Maine Lighthouse and Coast Tour started off with some challenging weather. Jeff and I arrived the day before to do a little pre-scouting before the group met for the first time. The weather was predicted to be rainy most of the day, but we were hopeful we would catch a break. Out just after dawn, the weatherman's prediction was actually accurate for a change and it was raining. As we drove around all morning, we encountered a little more than we bargained for. Heavy downfalls changed to ice and then to snow. To me the snow was just a little dusting, but Jeff, being from Texas, was positive it was more than an inch in some places.

Luckily, when we met our group in the afternoon, the rain, ice and snow stopped and we headed to Perkins Cove. The cove has an interesting history. The cove was originally unprotected, and fisherman had to bring their boats onto land each evening to protect them. In order to solve this issue, they purchased land and dug a channel across it to create a tidewater basin now known as Perkins Cove. The cove has a footbridge crossing it to allow boats with high masts to pass as they head out to the Atlantic Ocean. I shot this from the footbridge that shows the quaint cove and the dreary weather.