Posing - Marievale Bird Sanctuary, South Africa

Back in December, we boarded our Delta 15-hour red-eye flight to Johannesburg, South Africa for another Jeff Clow Safari. Jeff sponsored a trip to a bird sanctuary for our first morning before heading out to our safari lodge. The weather was a bit spotty with rain but off we went. Fortunately, the rain always seemed to be the heaviest when we were in a bird blind. At one of the blinds, we found several cormorants posing for us with wings spread out. Cormorant are fish-eaters and often dive from the surface looking for meals. After fishing, cormorants go ashore, and are frequently seen holding their wings out in the sun. This cormorant certainly was not getting any sun this day and suspect that it wasn’t diving into the water that got him wet but rather the rain. If you look at this photo large, you can see the raindrops keeping him wet.