Sometimes it is the little things that catch your eye and just pop out of a scene. We had spent the day sailing slowly down the Rhine River from Amsterdam to view the amazing castles that tower above the river. The weather was not good most of the day, with heavy rains. As we neared our destination of Rudesheim, Germany, the weather broke, and, once docked, we went to explore the town.
Rudesheim is a nice place with lots of shops and restaurants. Whenever my wife and friends went into the stores to do a little shopping, I looked around for subjects to shoot on the streets. When I saw this postbriefkasten (translation: mailbox), I knew that it was going to make a cool subject. The ornateness of it was unlike anything that you might find in the US (I have yet to see a public mailbox that I would describe as ornate). The deep blue color is what first attracted my eye.