Remember the Fallen - Freedom Tower, New York

Nineteen years ago, America experienced the worst terrorist attack in our history. In Manhattan, the twin towers of the World Trade Center were totally demolished. That day, almost 3,000 Americans were killed and untold others have suffered long term illnesses. Some of those Americans were first responders whose heroic efforts to save others were on full display. Many of them lost their lives. Since that time, Manhattan has rebuilt the area, erecting the Freedom Tower pictured here as well as the 9/11 Memorial & Museum located nearby. Even after all of these years, the impact of these attacks brings tears to my eyes. I used to commute through the World Trade Center in the early 1990s and wouldn’t visit this site again until I took this photo back in 2014. I will never forget my emotions when I walked around this hallowed ground. As long I am alive, I will always “Remember the Fallen”.