Reservoir Beauty

Barkhamsted Reservoir, Barkhamsted, Connecticut

Fall in New England can be a wonderful time to visit to take in the glorious colors of the foliage. The only problem with visiting during foliage season is guessing exactly when the peak of the season will occur. Some years it is early October and other years it waits to November to peak. The weather and rainfall have a lot to do with it as well as where in New England you go. Elevation also is a factor along with the type of trees in the area. 

Living in Connecticut, it is easier to tell when the foliage is peaking but it still isn't an exact science. My ritual is to take multiple drives around the state (usually in the northwest corner) to check out where and when the foliage will peak. This image was taken on an early drive when the foliage was still beginning to turn. The location is the Barkhamsted Reservoir which is about 20 minutes from my home. The reservoir was created in the 1940's with the building of the Seville Dam. It took 8 years for the reservoir to fill.
