Ripple Point - Lake McDonald, Glacier National Park, Montana

Lake McDonald is the largest lake in Glacier National Park measuring ten miles long and over a mile wide. It is also a deep lake at almost 500 feet. It is probably the most photographed lake in the park as it is perfectly located near it's western entrance. It is a perfect location for both sunrises and sunsets. Most of the sunrise photos are taken from Apgar Village where the Visitors Center is located, and there are always boats at the dock with a solitary boat anchored offshore. McDonald Lake is also beautiful from many other spots at other times of the day. I took this photo on the final day of my good buddy Jeff Clow's last Glacier photo tour. It was off of a parking area on the famed Going-to-the-Sun Road in early afternoon. Although the light isn't typically good at that time of day, there were some amazing clouds that allowed for some terrific shadows on the Rocky Mountains in the distance. Jeff is wont to making up names at different spots (some good, some not so much) and he named this one Ripple Point for obvious reason. I actually liked this name, proving to Jeff that I do like some (albeit a few) of his names.