Ruh Roh

Prairie Dog Town, Theodore Roosevelt National Park - South Division, North Dakota

Yesterday, I posted an image from Theodore Roosevelt National Park in North Dakota. One of the features of the park are the several Prairie Dog Towns located in both the North and South Divisions. I have never seen a town such as this before. It is basically an open area that has tons of holes in it. When you pull into town, there are quite the number of prairie dogs scampering around. After getting out of the car, the prairie dogs run for cover making them really hard to photograph (at least for me). They are really, really fast. 

I finally was able to catch one in the South Division. All of the other prairie dogs had taken off and only this one remained. I don't know if he was deaf or not but he finally turned and looked at me as I pressed the shutter. I thought the favorite saying ("ruh roh") of Astro the Dog in the cartoon the Jetsons (okay, I am dating myself)  probably went through his head when he saw me. For you fans of Scooby Doo, Astro originated the saying. I know that it is true because I read it on the internet.