Shack Window - Monument Valley, Navajo Nation

This is the second Monument Valley photo that I am posting this week. As I previously noted, I recently went through all of my Monument Valley photos and selected a few that I would edit and post. I usually seek out unusual compositions of iconic subjects to show a different perspective to the viewer. When I walked into this sort of shack/lean-to, I knew I had such an opportunity. I took a bunch of different shots and when I got home, I forgot about them. When I selected this photo to edit, I almost abandoned it. Why? All of the lines from the shack's window frame are askew; the sunlit cracks from between the wood boards are at angles; and the random holes in the wood made everything seem a bit off from the scene seen through the window. I tried all kinds of editing tricks that didn't give an image that I was satisfied with. Finally, I realized that all of these issues weren't flaws, but rather a true picture of what time and weather has done to this shack. If you would walk into it like I did, this is what your eye would see, "flaws' and all.