Stacks - Bandon, Oregon

The Oregon Coast is an amazing place to photograph. Along the 363 miles of coastline, there are many beaches, hiking trails, coves, mountains and my favorites, sea stacks. I have driven the full length of the Oregon coast a few times and I am officially naming Bandon “Sea Stack Heaven”. Driving through the town of Bandon, you might totally miss the stacks unless you turn right (driving south) off of Route 101 and head toward the beach. There you will find Face Rock State Scenic Viewpoint, where you can park high above the beach and look in wonder on the numerous sea stacks that jut high from the beach and ocean. Many are famous ones— Face Rock, Howling Dog (aka Wizard’s Hat) and Elephant Rock to name a few. Looking south, as I was when I captured this photo, are stacks that are not as well-known, but very beautiful nonetheless. My favorite time to shoot the stacks is in the late evening hours when the stacks are displayed in the soft setting sun’s light.