Alaskan cruises often offer diverse landscapes that differ greatly as you head south toward Vancouver. The Alaskan mountains are the first sight that you might see, especially if you started your trip on land near Denali. If you are lucky enough, you can take an all day train ride from there to the departure port and enjoy the rugged and beautiful landscapes and seascapes along the way. Once on your cruise ship, you pass towering mountains that seem to rise from nowhere on shore, and there are the inevitable glaciers that can be seen either close up or in the distance. The further south you travel through the inside passage, the landscape begins to warm up. The snow and ice give way to densely forested mountains and landscape. The whole way, you see more sea creatures that people. You finally begin to see civilization toward the end of your journey. I took this photo one evening about a day from our destination port of Vancouver. A lot of the ruggedness of the landscape was gone, replaced by a more gentle one. I think it is getting time to revisit Alaska.