Where the Rich Play - Monte Carlo, Monaco

We have these television commercials here in Connecticut that try hard to show you all of the things that you could do and buy if you played and won the lottery. I am sure that these type of commercials air wherever you live. Each commercial touts a different dream that I am sure everyone would want to have. I don't really pay attention to those commercials since I visited Monte Carlo. Talk about rich. Just walk around the city like we did and you will see plenty of things that you could buy. Just like some of these yachts in the harbor. In most harbors I have been in, there are all shapes and sizes of yachts from the small ones to large ones. Not in Monte Carlo. The yachts are big and bigger. So when I dream of what I would do if I won the lottery, I simply think of my time in this rich playground. Of course, now that I think about it, I would probably have to win the lottery a few times to afford living in Monte Carlo.
