Perspective - Manhattan, New York

During my working days in New York City, I passed through Grand Central Terminal as a hurried commuter trying to get home at a reasonable hour. There were no thoughts of stopping and taking photos, as there was usually a train to catch for my almost three-hour commute (thank God I didn't commute there every day). When I had the opportunity to spend a half day in 2012 to shoot the Terminal, I finally appreciated how wonderful the building is. I spent the majority of my allotted time shooting the inside of the building, and I discovered some amazing subjects that I failed to remember, like the ornate chandeliers hanging from the ceilings, the beautiful murals on the walls and ceilings and the stonework. Near the end of my time there that day, I decided to go outside to see what I might have missed during my commuting days. This perspective shows that the beauty of the building is not just indoors and I don’t think that I (or probably a lot of other commuters) ever looked up to take it in.