Wyoming Dreaming - Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

When I first started visiting the Grand Tetons, the first photo that I wanted to capture was at Oxbow Bend. This is an iconic spot, where the Snake River meanders through the scene and Mount Moran and the other mountains are on full display. The best time to see and photograph it is at sunrise, when the sun rises from the east and lights up any clouds that are there. The sun will then gradually begin to light up Mt Moran with gorgeous soft light. It is a magnet for any photographers that are in the park.

I guess you are wondering where that scene is in the above photo. As I took photos of the classic shot that I have just described, I noticed that across the Snake River a very different scene was unfolding. The amazing clouds were present in both the sky as well as in the glass-like water. The landscape was lighting up and was beautiful in its own right. I learned a long time ago to makes sure that, after taking the iconic shots that most photographers shoot, to look around and work the scene. In this case, the rewards gave me a different view of Oxbow Bend.